リメイク材料・着付け練習用などにご活用下さいm(_ _)m【種類】色無地着物【点数】4点【素材】正絹他素材混ざる場合がございます。《商品について》着用できる物が多いおまとめです。詳しい検品などはしておりません。全てリサイクル品の為、しわ、匂い、しみ、汚れ、アク、破れ、ダメージなどは様々です。汚れやダメージなど状態よくご理解の上ご購入下さい。コンパクトに畳んで発送させて頂きます。まとめ売りの為、採寸・個別の状態確認は難しいです。よろしくお願い致しますm(^^)mKind: Iromuji KimonoNumber of items: 4Material: Pure silkPlease note that other materials may be mixed.About the goods.It is a bundle of many things that can be worn.Please purchase on the understanding that we do not have a detailed inspection.Because all are recycled goods, wrinkles, smells, stains, dirt, scuffs, tears, damage, etc. are various.Please purchase with a good understanding of the condition of the stains and damage.We will fold it compactly and send it to you.We do not check the measurements or the condition of each items.